Please, use this form to contact us about technical faults or difficulties you might have (this includes but not limited to the problems or questions about the memberships at our sites and any charges made to your credit card) related to our sites. Also we are looking forward any suggestions or business offers. We'll reply your e-mail as soon as possible. As you could be in different time zone with our staff, so, please, be patient if you don't receive the answer inside few hours.
   We are getting a lot of support request and question, which are very similar. We are always pleased to assist you, but, please, spend few minutes and click on the menu sections to the left. May be your question's answer is already listed at our site.
Here are the popular question with the answers:
- What will I see on my payment statement? Answer...
- Do I have unlimited access with my membership? Answer...
- How to cancel my membership? Answer...
- How to find out if my membership has been cancelled? Answer...
- What is your refund policy? Answer...
- What is my login data (username and/or password)? Answer...
- My username and password don't work. What to do? Answer...
- What software do I need to play video files? Answer...
- I have problem playing video - video files can't be opened or I have black screen with sound. How to fix? Answer...
- I have Apple PC with MacOS installed. How can I play your video? Answer...
   If you are the current member of the site, please, provide us with your access information.
   Due to spam filters on most mail servers, please check your "Spam" or "Junk Mail" folders for our emails if you don't see them in your Inbox.
   PLEASE, WRITE IN ENGLISH ONLY. WE DON'T ANSWER LETTER WRITTEN IN THE LANGUAGE OTHER THAN ENGLISH. If you can't write in English, please, use online translator to translate your text into English and ONLY then send it to us. Here's the link to World Lingvo - free online translator.
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RGS Studio 1998-2021